Category: Shop Talk
New store page is in the works.
In this new section you will find things that we currently have available for sale. New store pages comes with a new easy 4 letter .com name. Easy to remember and type, will take you right to the shop page. Check back we will be adding things here in the next week or so.
9 Ball Runout at the bar across the street
When I am not spinning cues on the lathe I can usually be found goofing off on the pool table with reckless abandon… cir. 2010
Good ol’ Kramer wins one in like 5 hours.
Kramer and Frank Costanza playing pool in a small room
The new more content rich Proficient Billiards website.
It occurs to us that not everyone if you can believe this or not… is on social media. This website is going to be for things that are happening here in or around the shop. Might be a tournament that were shooting in. Could be something we’re working on here in the shop. Or maybe something we’re selling. You’ll have to check back and see what we’re up to. Hope you enjoy it.